Category Archives: Bladder

Natural Bladder Cancer Treatment

Bladder cancer is the eight most common in females, fourth most common cancer in males, and fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. It is twice as common in Caucasians as in African-Americans, four times more common in men than women, and is usually diagnosed later in life. The cause of bladder cancer is not known. Smoking is the number one factor associated with bladder cancer. Also linked to bladder cancer are exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzidines, aniline dyes, naphthalenes; radiation exposure; heredity; possibly extremely high consumption of saccharin; a history of schistosomiasis (a tropical disease); chronic urinary tract infections or inflammation; and working in the dye, chemical, rubber, and leather industries. Often symptoms do not appear in the early stages. The first warning sign is usually blood in the urine. Other symptoms can be pain and burning with urination, increased frequency of urination, and difficulty urinating. Taking vitamin A, vitamin C and E, and a multivitamin and minerals have shown reductions in the risk of getting bladder cancer.

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